- Teams
CAPTAIN is a multiagency network developed to support the understanding and use of Evidence Based Practices for individuals affected by Autism Spectrum Disorder across the state.
Modoc County Office of Education SELPA is proud to be one of 8 SELPAs who are collaborating with the California Autism Professional Training And Information Network (CAPTAIN) as part of the Statewide System of Support via the SELPA Content Lead-ASD grant.
Our efforts are focused on collaborating with Districts, Family Resource Centers, and Regional Centers with the primary goal of building capacity of implementing Evidence-Based Practices (EBPs) to support students with Autism Spectrum Disorder (ASD) in schools, homes, and communities.
Our work together as a CAPTAIN Cadre Team (also known as CAPTAIN Local Interagency Collaborative), supported by your CAPTAIN Regional Implementation Lead, Mark Pfaff, has made our team a valuable resource that provides information, training, coaching, and support to implement EBPs with fidelity for our individuals with Autism across environments and settings.
Researchers at the UC Davis MIND Institute are recruiting families of infants ages 6-12 months, whose parents are concerned about their social communication, to participate in a telehealth assessment of infants’ development. The goal of the study is to develop a new screening tool so that infants can be evaluated in their homes before families travel to get a developmental evaluation. The study will follow infants over time and gather feedback from families about their experience in order to refine the assessment.
More information and a link to be contacted can be found here:
Beth Weber
Speech-Language Pathologist

ASD Parent Support group meets 2nd Friday of the month at 11am at SELPA Conference Room