- Teams
Open Enrollment for the 2025/2026 school year is April 14 - May 1. Waitlist Applications can be picked up at the preschool, MCOE, or accessed online.
Modoc County Office of Education operates 3 preschool sites across Modoc County. Locations include Alturas, Cedarville, and Tulelake. These preschools provide early care and education for children in a fun, enriching, supportive, culturally diverse setting. Our facilities are licensed and state-regulated, and maintain high standards of quality early childhood education.
Why Our Preschools?
- Our state preschool's focus is on the whole child using the California Framework and Foundations to ensure a quality experience in each classroom, every day.
- We offer a developmentally appropriate curriculum to make learning fun while preparing children to enter Kindergarten!
- Highly qualified teachers skilled in working with young children and focused on meeting individual learning needs.
- Family-centered environments where families are recognized for the important role they play in their child's learning and development.
Preschool can be an important part of children's education, developing vital academic, physical, social, and emotional skills that prepare young children for school entry. Research shows that a quality preschool experience is the best preparation for later school and life success. State-funded preschool programs have high standards of safety and instruction to ensure quality early care and education for young learners.
All of our programs refrain from religious instruction and worship.
We are passionate about serving our children and their families. We hope that you will join us in striving toward these desired results:
- Children are personally and socially competent
- Children are effective learners
- Children show physical and motor competencies
- Children are safe and healthy
- Families support their children's learning and development
- Families achieve their goals
Our programs are open Monday through Friday. Calendars and daily schedules differ by site.
Preschoolers will have the opportunity to participate in a variety of educational, creative, fun activities each day. Many of these include . . .
- Storytelling, pre-reading, and pre-writing activities
- Music, song, and dance
- Creative art and dramatic play
- Cooking and nutrition
- Pre-math activities
- Block building, puzzles, and science exploration
- Language, listening, and communication skills development
- Outdoor playtime and quiet sharing time
Parents are the first and most important teachers in a child's life. We encourage parent participation in the classroom, at parent meetings, and on parent advisory committees. There is an opportunity for every parent to participate and learn with the children and staff.
The staff at all children's centers meet rigorous screening, education, and experience qualifications. Each teacher brings an individual contribution to working with children. Staff members increase their skills and abilities to make unique and positive contributions to teaching young children.
Brittany Thomas
Director of Student Programs
(530)233-7101 ext. 1009
Samantha Casserly
Enrollment Specialist/Clerk
scasserly@modoccoe.orgMCOE Early Childhood Development Center
809 W. 8th Street
Alturas Ca, 96101
Program Information
Program Information![]()
There are a few steps in the enrollment process:
1. Complete an online application
2. Receive a call from Samantha Casserly, enrollment specialist, to collect the required enrollment documents
3. Receive formal documentation with an approved start date for services.
4. Attend a parent orientation meeting
Please follow the link below to access the MCOE Preschool application. Hard copies are avaiable at Modoc County Office of Education or at the MCOE Early Childhood Development Center
Children months and 4 years of age may be eligible for preschool if:
Children may be enrolled the day following their 3rd birthday. Children must be potty trained prior to the first day of school.
Families can discuss eligibility information and be pre-screened over the phone, by calling our Enrollment office at 530-233-7115. Families will be added to the waiting list based on the following:
Eligibility is based on either child or family eligibility.
Duration of Service Requirement:
Once a family establishes eligibility, they will remain eligible for 24 months.
Children may be enrolled the day following their 3rd birthday. Children must be potty trained prior to the first day of school.
Families can discuss eligibility information and be pre-screened over the phone, by calling our Enrollment office at 530-233-7115. Families will be added to the waiting list based on the following:
Eligibility is based on either child or family eligibility.
Families must meet one of the following criteria:
- The family is a current aid recipient
- The family is income eligible
- The family is experiencing homelessness
- The child is a recipient of child protective services, or has been identified as being abused, neglected, or exploited, or at-risk of being abused, neglected or exploited
- The child has a disability with an IFSP or IEP
- Families are certified to receive benefits from CalWorks, Medi-Cal, CalFresh, WIC, FDPIR, Head Start, Early Head Start, or any other designated means-tested government program
- The family has an income that is no more than 15 percent above the income eligibility threshold;
- The family lives in a neighborhood where the school has Free or Reduce-Price Meal Program (FRPM) status
Note: Children enrolled in TK and Kindergarten may be enrolled in a part-day CSPP for Extended Learning and Care if the child or family meets one of the eligibility criteria above.
Full-Day CSPP Programs
In addition to meeting the eligibility criteria, families enrolling in a Full-Day CSPP Program must meet a need requirement.
Family Need Criteria:
A child’s family must provide documentation of need in one or more of these categories:
- The child has been identified by a legal, medical, or social services agency, a local educational agency liaison for homeless children and youths, a Head Start program, or an emergency or transitional shelter as one of the following:
- A recipient of protective services.
- Being neglected, abused, or exploited, or at risk of neglect, abuse, or exploitation.
- Being homeless.
- The child’s parents are one of the following:
- Engaged in vocational training leading directly to a recognized trade, paraprofession, or profession.
- Engaged in an educational program for English language learners or to attain a high school diploma or general educational development certificate.
- Employed or seeking employment.
- Seeking permanent housing for family stability.
- No established need; parent request. (Please note: This is 6th enrollment priority)
Duration of Service Requirement:
Once a family establishes eligibility, they will remain eligible for 24 months.
If the eligibility period ends before the end of a program year, services will be extended until the start of kindergarten as long as the child is age-eligible. Participants whose eligibility is based on income must notify our agency within 30 days if their total countable monthly income, at any time during their certification period, exceeds the maximum income threshold for ongoing eligibility.
Part-Day CSPP: No Cost
There is no cost for our Preschool Program for those eligible to enroll. This valuable quality program is funded by the California Department of Education. Income eligibility will still be accessed.
Full-Day CSPP: No/Low Cost
Full-Day CSPP: No/Low Cost
Full-Day State Preschool Programs are required to assess a family fee for service. Beginning October 1, 2023 families below 75% of state-median income will not be assessed a fee and families above 75% of the state-median income will be assessed a family fee which is no more than 1% of their gross monthly income.
Admission Priority
Enrollment Priorities for 5% of funded enrollment:
5% of CSPP funded enrollment is reserved for Children with Exceptional Needs. To the extent possible, enroll in income ranking order. If 2 or more families have the same ranking, enroll the family with earliest application date first. For full-day programs family must also meet a need criteria.
Note: Only the child in family who has exceptional needs may be enrolled under this eligibility criteria.
Enrollment Priorities for remaining funded enrollment:
First: Child is recipient of Child Protective Services or At-Risk of being neglected, abused or exploited.
Second: Once the set-aside is filled, child with exceptional needs from income eligible family AND family meets a need criteria. Prioritize based on income ranking order.
Third: Eligible children not enrolled in Transitional Kindergarten AND family meets a need criteria.
If 2 or more children are within the same ranking prioritize dual language learners, then based on the child who has been on the waiting list for the longest time.
Fourth: Family income is not more than 15% above income threshold AND family meets a need criteria. Prioritize exceptional needs children, then 4 year olds, then 3 year olds. (limited to 10% of funded enrollment)
Fifth: Family meets eligibility criteria, but does not meet a need criteria. Prioritize based on income ranking order.
Sixth: Family resides in approved neighborhood school boundary of FRPM. Prioritize based on income ranking order.

Alturas Elementary State Preschool
809 W. 8th Street, Alturas CA 96101
Lic #255406939
Part-Day and Full-Day Programs
Samantha Mohr, Teacher
Denae Mohr, Teacher
James Prince, Instructional Aide
Molly Viedorfer, Instructional Aide
Luis Salazar, Instructional Aide
Kassidie Fitts, Instructional Aide
Hanna Freeman, Instructional Aide
Surprise Valley
Surprise Valley State Preschool
709 High Street
Cedarville, CA 96104
Lic #255402253
Part Day Program
530-233-7115 EXT 1207
Allison Fernandez, Teacher
Rebecca Rangel, Instructional Aide
Tulelake State Preschool
461 2nd Street, Tulelake CA 96134
Lic# 255406110
Full Day/ Full Year Program
530-233-7115 EXT 1208
Veronica Chavez, Teacher
Yasmin Garcia, Instructional Aide
Brenda Garcia, Instructional Aide
Julie Haskins, Special Education Aide