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Alturas Elementary State Pre-School

Our Mission Statement

Our Mission Statement

We are a part day school, and our mission at the Alturas Elementary State Preschool is to provide quality education to children ages three to five years old. Each child is unique.  We strive to plan our environment and curriculum to meet their individual needs.  We believe that children are lifelong learners and we provide the opportunities for children to grow and develop their social, emotional, cognitive, physical and creative skills, through planned and purposeful play.   We respect the diversity, culture and values of each family, and by collaborating with other community agencies, we are able to offer continued assistance, education and support
students together
Samantha Mohr - Preschool Teacher
Denae Mohr - Preschool Aide
Alicia Hicks - Preschool Aide

Samantha Mohr - Preschool Teacher
Denae Mohr - Preschool Aide
Alicia Hicks - Preschool Aide

809 8th Street
Alturas, CA. 96101
Phone: (530) 233-1705
Information phone: (530) 233-7115